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Link labels and sensitive content notifications

Last updated on September 02, 2023

Sensitive Content Labels have always been an option for Gotlinkme users to improve transparency and control audience engagement. We have begun suggesting or enabling sensitive content labels by default for certain domains as an additional step toward creating a suitable experience for all users and visitors.


We recognize that there are many layers to our online identity -- some suitable for all, some only suitable for restricted audiences. Gotlinkme made this change so that users and visitors alike can better distinguish between profiles that are or aren’t suitable for them, and between specific links that may or may not be suitable for them.

When adding a link to your Gotlinkme, you may come across the following message:

“This link may contain content that is not suitable for all audiences. To ensure that visitors are aware of the nature of the content they're about to see, we've applied a Sensitive Content label to this link".

🔔 Note: This link may appear differently to some visitors, depending on the platform they were referred from.

Don’t worry-- you can still add your link! That message just means we’ve labeled (or suggest that you label) your link as sensitive content. It’s a heads up to anyone visiting that particular link in your Gotlinkme so that they can make an informed decision on whether or not they want to proceed. It’s especially helpful for younger visitors who may not want to (and in some cases legally cannot) view what’s on the other side.


The sensitive content label on a link

When someone goes to click the link, they’ll see one of the following messages:

“This link may contain content that is not appropriate for all audiences.”

“This link is unavailable, as it does not comply with the guidelines of the platform you came from and is not meant for all audiences.”

In some cases, visitors will have the option to either back out or click “Continue” to go right on through. You may also have the ability to opt-out of this label for your link by clicking on the lock in your link settings.

In other cases, such as for certain domains or for certain referrers, the link label is permanent by design. Some platforms also apply their own terms and conditions regarding sensitive content to your Gotlinkme, so they don't allow access to links to specific domains. As a result, when your visitors reach your Gotlinkme from these platforms and try to access those domains, they may get a message saying that the link is blocked. This isn’t something you can change in your settings, but we're working with these platforms to minimize the impact as much as possible. Visitors can also still click “continue” to go right on through if they’re visiting your Gotlinkme directly.

If you can’t opt-out of a sensitive content label on your link and you’d like to appeal it, you can reach out to us.

Our goal

Our goal is to allow creators to engage in safe self-expression while allowing them to drive traffic from the internet’s largest platforms. Creators should be able to express themselves and earn an income through what they do, but different platforms may also have different restrictions on the kinds of content that can be shared. We want to ensure that we honor those platforms’ guidelines and keep the internet a suitable place for all while supporting the creator experience.

✏️ Learn More: For more information on our link labels and sensitive content notifications, you can read more over at our Community Standards.

If you have any questions, please contact our customer support team by emailing

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